Hui & Kaupapa

    • Trustee Meetings – Third Wednesday of every month at a venue to be determind (contact via Facebook or Email)
    • Working Bee – Last Saturday of every month, check out Facebook for details, and please note that our marae grounds may be closed during construction
    • AGM – was held on the 27th day of April 2024 at Kawiti marae, Waiomio
    • SGM – was held on the 14th day of October 2023 at Kawiti marae, Waiomio
    • No marae booking until our re-opening

Building update

  • Our whānau have had aspirations to complete the full marae rebuild since the renovations to Te Rapunga were completed in 1990. For the past 10 years there has been a concerted effort from the whānau to progress the rebuild of the whare kai – fundraising for the whare kai has been happening for 15 years and the marae is now in a position financially and with a strong infrastructure to progress this vision with more clarity of purpose.
  • A number of wānanga occurred over the past 10 years to progress a design, and a strategy, along with resolutions from past and present trustees, kaumatua, and whānau whānui.
  • In December 2017 our Ngā Wawata o Waiomio hui brought together the aspirations of all three marae in the valley; Kawiti, Mohinui and Miria Marae, and our two hui in 2021 that was led by the trustees, architects and gleaned the aspirations of our whānau for our rebuild – our AGM in April 2020 and our Marae development wānanga 3 July 2020 at Kawiti marae. We continue to work towards the rebuild and members can request updates from the secretary or via the member section of this website.
  • The moving of the powerlines and poles has just been completed being undertaken by the Build Komiti on behalf of our marae. This is significant progress towards our shared goal of opening our doors.





Miria Marae
Miria Marae
Miria Marae
Miria Marae
Miria Marae
Miria Marae