Manaaki Kōrero Komiti

This committee is:

  • Responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective communications link between the Marae Trustees, its associated committees, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders.
  • Independent of the Trustees committee.
  • Directly responsible to the Trustees committee.

This committees duties are to:

  • Produce a communications strategy and submit it to Trustees for consideration and approval.
  • Co-ordinate the implementation of the strategy.
  • Establish and maintain a beneficiaries and stakeholder database.
  • Maintain the Marae website.
  • Work with the investment team to secure appropriate levels of resourcing to implement the

This committee meets as required and provides a monthly written report on activities

Manaaki Kōrero Komiti members:

    • Peter White – (Komiti Chair)
    • Ruki Brown
    • Aniata Mackie
    • Tasha Reihana
    • Sara Tara
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini