Miria Marae Trustees

This committee is:

  • The Marae Trustees are the legal and financial authority for Miria Marae. Marae
    Trustees are public Trustees representing the interests of all beneficiaries. As
    such, Marae Trustees are entrusted by the beneficiaries to ensure that Miria
    Marae is soundly managed for the benefit of all.
  • The role of the Marae Trustees is governance rather than management which is the
    preserve of the associated committees, i.e. Manaaki Tangata / Whenua,
    Manaaki Pūtea, Manaaki Whare, Manaaki Korero, Manāki Tāke Kaupapa and
    Secretariat. Governance focuses on the Marae wider issues of organisational
    purpose, direction and goals.
  • The Marae Trustees work in close partnership with the associated committees to
    ensure that its objectives and goals are achieved.
  • In order for the Marae Trustees to carry out their governance role, they must be familiar
    with Miria Marae policies, plans and priorities and be able and prepared to
    demonstrate this familiarity through debate and participation in all areas of the
    Marae Trustee’s responsibilities.

Miria Marae Trustees:

    • Arama Reihana – (Chair)
    • Len Bristow – (Deputy Chair)
    • Riki Ngakoti
    • Ruki Brown
    • Karly Ututonga
    • Meo Mate Brown
    • Hayward Brown
    • Peter White (Treasurer)
    • Aniata Mackie
    • Mokai Cameron
    • Ripeka Reihana
    • Cheyenne Heke (Secretary – not a Trustee)
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini
Our Tūpuna whare korua Te Ahuareka and Maramatautini